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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Making My 2011 Resolutions A Reality!

Every year for about the last 13 years or so, I do the old fashion thing of writing down a good list of about 5-10 things I want to accomplish for the New Year. It MUST be written though! Written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants; cant's into cans; dreams into plans; and plans into reality. Don't just think it - ink it!

When I was about 17 years old, I was barely surviving on my own working in a Battered Women's Shelter named "Sanctuary for Families". At the time, "The New School" offered the staff & clients free classes from their catalog. I had just won the World Full Contact Kyokushin Karate Championships in the women's light weight division & needed a new challenge. I have been fortunate enough from a very young age to be able to seek things that will help me grow spiritually & mentally. My goal for that year was to find something that would challenge me in a different way and I was going to stop at nothing until I found it! All of a sudden this one class just jumped out of the book at me..."Learn the Art of Boxing".

I was so psyched and could not wait to take on my next challenge! However, I was disappointed when I got there and saw that the class was more like a box-aerobics class. I marched right up to the instructor after class and told him that I thought this was going to be a real boxing class. I told him that I was a champion martial artist & wanted to improve my punches. This Brooklyn guy named Martin Snow had the nerve to tell me that Karate sucked & to throw any punches or kicks I wanted and he would block it. I was determined to make an impression on this 6'5", 240lb Brooklynite, so I was throwing kicks & punches and he was indeed blocking everything hard! Until...I found a wonderful opening right in his mid section & I threw a straight right hand with all my might! YES! I knocked the wind out of him and his next words to me were "Women's Boxing just became legal in NYC..Do you wanna fight?" I had found my next challenge!! It continues to be one of the sports that takes me out of my comfort zone & brings the best out of me!

In order to accomplish your goals, you MUST crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people's criticisms carry out your plan!

In my second professional fight this summer, I broke my right foot 3 weeks before my fight! A broken metatarsal requires at least 4-6 weeks in an air cast. I looked at the podiatrist straight in the eyes and told him that I was fighting no matter what! I was also crying like a baby & had the utmost faith that although it might not be easy, everything was going to workout. This doctor customized all of my foot wear with extra padding/cushion, put a cortisone shot right in my bone & taught me how to bandage my foot for extra support. I was not to run for the next 3 weeks & do non impact exercises. I replaced my daily runs with high intensity speed drills on the elliptical machine, stair master & swimming. The night of my fight came & I was insanely nervous as I was fighting with a broken foot & with someone who was much more experienced than I was. All through this though, I had amazing FAITH and my goal in mind the entire time! I won that fight with a TKO at the end of the 4th round!

To achieve success, you need both persistence and flexibility. When you face difficulties and unexpected problems, use all your persistence and determination to stick to your goals. If the way you do things now does not work, try another way. Keep trying until you find the one that works. Don't change the ends, change the means. It is my true belief though that gratitude and faith MUST be part of the whole goal setting process. I would not have gotten this far without my belief in a higher power. It is a very important part of my everyday life.

So, what's in store for Patty Boom Boom in 2011? LOTS!! Before I start mentioning just a few, I want to say that I am incredibly thankful to my higher power which is God. I feel truly humbled and blessed to be able to accomplish so many things this year even through some extreme challenges. Everything I do, I do with so much love, passion, faith & determination. Some of my goals for 2011 include:

1. Boxing/Fighting in my hometown & Internationally
2. Completing my first Ironman at Lake Placid in July
3. Start Nursing School in March
4. Focus on writing & completing my memoir
5. Continue Living my life with incredible Faith & Passion!

Thank you all for your amazing & continued support! Looking forward to sharing this incredible journey of adventures, faith & growth in 2011 & beyond! My wish for all my Friends & Loved ones is:

May you always have enough happiness to keep you sweet;
enough trials to keep you strong;
enough success to keep you eager;
enough faith to give you courage;
and enough determination to
make each day a good day

Wishing you all amazing blessings & health for the coming year!

Much Love,

Patricia Alcivar aka "Patty Boom Boom"