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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Best Is Yet To Come...Happy 2010!!

New Year's has taken on a special meaning for most of us... Our tradition seems to be that late December is a time of reflection, nostalgia and resolutions. And so we postpone commitments about nutrition, finances, relationship goals and career changes until January 1st. Why do we consistently wait until the beginning of a new year to do our thinking, planning and resolving?

What we want in our life,is a result of a never ending stream of consistent decisions. Anyone can make the decision one time. Sadly, our goals are never achieved with one huge decision, but rather with the daily decisions that continuously reinforce the initial decision.

At whatever point in your life you get clarity on what you want, whether that be New Year's Eve or August 7, make the decision to keep making the decision for as long as it takes to achieve the goal.... And then make the decision again.

Achieving your goals and dreams is only the first step. Sustaining that success is the real end game. Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you!

At the end of each year, I do spend some time reflecting on the good & bad things that have occurred in my life & what I have learned from them and how I can be a better person. The two most valuable things I have learned in 2009 is Faith & Gratitude! Having this has helped me through some really rough times & will continue to do so more than anything or anyone else in my life.

I have so much Faith that the best is yet to come in 2010! My wish for all my friends and loved ones is to have a blessed & Healthy New Year as well as find peace within themselves...

I leave you with one of my very favorite stories of success below...Enjoy!

Much Love,

Patricia "Patty Boom Boom" Alcivar
Face Your Fears, Live Your Dreams

Winners work at doing things the majority of the population is not willing to do. A $60 per week laundry worker spent his nights & weekends for two years typing manuscripts to send to publishers and agents. Each one was rejected with a form letter. Finally, a more encouraging rejection letter arrived. It said that although his writing was not yet worthy of publishing, he should keep trying.

After two more years of rejection, finances got so tight for this young man and his wife that they had to disconnect their phone to pay for their baby's medicine. Totally discouraged, he threw his latest work in the garbage. But his wife, still believing and committed, rescued the manuscript and submitted it one last time to another publisher. The book, "Carrie," sold over 5 million copies and became the top box office movie the next year. The laundry worker, of course, was Stephen King.

Show me someone who has succeeded in the face of incredible odds, and I will show you a person who knows that perseverance makes the difference. It takes persistence and patience to build lasting success. Winning is hanging in there when times are tough and the odds are stacked against you. Prevailing is about sustaining, not complaining.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays from Patty Boom Boom!

Towards the end of each year, I take the time to reflect on all the events that occurred throughout the year while I map out my goals for the following year & all I have to say is WHEW! 2009 has been an incredibly amazing, but for the most part, every year is. I looked at my list from last year and I have accomplished each of my top 5 goals I set out to do which included turning pro and actually fighting professionally. Writing down your goals and reviewing them on a monthly basis is extremely powerful!

I get asked frequently what my "secret" to staying motivating day after day and the answer is very basic & simple (just like me) and that is to have incredible FAITH and make up your mind each day to live it to the fullest despite of the obstacles that may come your way. Be optimistic as optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and of true progress..

I am also a big believer of just being a good person no matter what and doing selfless acts of kindness. Somehow/Someway those beautiful kind acts will come back to you in wonderful and very unexpected ways. Especially when it comes to athletes, Good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent. Most talents are, to some extent, a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not given to us. We have to build it piece by piece-by thought, choice, courage and determination. With that in mind, I am grateful to have met a special person this year who has taught me a-lot about myself & the power of commitment & determination.

Rebecca, is a very special individual I met at school at the beginning of this year who had been struggling with weight issues for a very long time. I offered to train her in April and 6 months later, she ran her first Half Marathon to celebrate her 40+lbs weightloss as well as her 32nd birthday. It was the combination of her will and my knowledge/influence that can make amazing things happen! In the process, we have become great friends and I am thankful for that as well...Next year, the plan is to get her through her first full marathon!!

As this year comes to an end & I start writing down my goals for 2010, I keep in mind that achieving goals by themselves will never make me happy in the long term; it's who I become, as I overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve my goals. It honestly is the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.

I also need to add that I am grateful for each and every person who has come into my life (good or bad) as each experience has helped shape my life and teach me valuable lessons. I firmly believe in surrounding yourself with good, positive, healthy and energetic people.

For 2010, just remember that the best way to get something done is to just BEGIN!"Strength is a matter of the made-up mind." Thank you ALL for all your wonderful support throughout the year. I am looking forward to a blessed & outstanding 2010 especially in boxing! Terri, I know we make a great team & we are going to do accomplish amazing things together!

Wishing you & your loved ones a beautiful & healthy Holiday Season! Remember to "Face Your Fears, Live Your Dreams!"

Much Love,

Patricia "Patty Boom Boom" Alcivar

Saint Theresa's Prayer

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fight/Birthday Update!

I was pretty devastated when my trainer called me a few days ago to tell me that my December 12th fight was cancelled. Due to unforeseen/personal circumstances, the promoter was forced to cancel the entire show.

I was initially upset, but then realized that it happened for a good reason. Everything in this life does (good or bad)and I truly believe that. I would not change one thing that has happened in my life. That being said, I picked myself up and registered for the ThunderRoad Half Marathon in Charlotte on Saturday, December 12 on my Birthday. I am fortunate enough to also have my friend, client, and hiking partner, Rebecca join me in the 13.1 mile celebration.

In addition, it looks like I will be quite busy boxing wise in the month of January so stay tuned for some very exciting news! I leave you with a very special poem that has meant a-lot to me throughout my life:

Where there is faith, there is love;
Where there is love, there is peace;
Where there is peace, there is God;
And where there is God; there is no need.

Much Love,

Patty Boom Boom

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Patty Boom Boom Goes to New Mexico!

What an eventful weekend!

About a month ago or so, my trainer, Terri Moss was excited about an amazing bout that was announced. Hollie Holmes vs Melissa Hernandez!! These are the 2 pound-for-pound best female professional boxers in the world. "Patricia, this is what you want to be one day, right?" We have to support the event and at the same time be there to visualize your future...Within the next couple of weeks we made arrangements to get ourselves to that event. From the beginning of last week, I was ridiculously excited about this event as if it were me that was fighting...The Big Fight was scheduled for Friday, December 3rd in Albuquerque, NM at the Isleta Casino at 7pm. Terri, Lisa, Lynn & I arrived on Thursday to attend the press conference & weigh-ins. It was like the big press conferences I have seen on television and it did take my breath away & viewing this in person just took my breath away. I knew that this is what I wanted for my future. Melissa Hernandez was gracious enough to take pictures with many of the people in attendance. However, we were left waiting for Holly Holmes as it appeared she was upset by Melissa and not making weight.

Well, the big Fight day was here and I was waiting with high anticipation. We had awesome seats and were enjoying the undercard bouts waiting for the big showdown and got the news from our seats through someone in the Hernandez camp that the fight was off. Apparently Holly's hands had been wrapped without someone from the Hernandez camp watching and they refused to cut the wraps and re wrap with someone present. I could not believe this was happening! Terri & I were in shock, but at the same time she was telling me that if it were me, she would not let me fight either. A few minutes later and half way through the co-main event, out walks team Hernandez with their flag, their gear, and their entourage. This was horrible!! Why wouldn't Holm's people cut the wrap? To make things much worse, within a few minutes of the main event being off, there was talk of there being a replacement. T was pretty insane since it was still a sanctioned World Title event and the instant replacement was a girl with a record of 3-7.

Needless to say, I was very disappointed....Well, it was unfortunate, but I still love the sport & I am very hopeful that the struggling sport of Women's Boxing will bounce back. My goal is to represent it well & be the best athlete I can be. I had a LONG flight back to Asheville, NC & woke up this morning with lots of energy and went out for a wonderful 7mile trail run with my awesome chihuahua/jack russell mix puppy named Jack. I was featured as a special guest on the Sunday Sizzler addition of the Rock'n Talk'n Boxing Show on Blogtalk Radio! I was featured as a guest along with Randal "KO King" Baily.

Make sure you click below to hear about my b-line to a world championship and my new professional boxing career! To check out the radio show click below at the end of this posting. You can also check out my profile/wall on Facebook & click on the link that features the Sunday Sizzler...Talk'n Boxing is hosted by Johnny "Jsizzle" Shultz and "New York" Dan and airs Sunday mornings. Next week's show hosts Paulie Malignaggi on his upcoming rematch with Juan Diaz.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Best Birthday Gift!

Ever since I was on my own which was at the age of 15 years old, I always made it a priority to do something special for me every year on my Birthday (December 12th). My way of celebrating was to do something that made ME feel good, so I have participated in a variety of road/trail races, adventure races, taken trips, and just so many wonderful things to show how grateful I am for another year of living my life to the fullest.

This year, I will be fighting my second fight as a professional female boxer on Saturday, December 12th in Greensboro, NC! Talking about the perfect birthday present! I could not think about any other way of spending my birthday. I am truly blessed!

Thank you for your support & continue to keep an eye out for some awesome updates!

Patty Boom Boom

Friday, September 25, 2009

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome to my brand new blog!  Read all about my exciting journey to becoming a world champion! (I probably have a million readers already!)  Put me in your favorites because its going to be an exciting journey!